76th Annual Feather Party - Nov 16 from 6-9pm
/Izaak Walton will be hosting it's 76th Annual Feather Party on Wednesday, November 16th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm.
The Feather Party is an annual fundraiser with door prizes, raffles, 50/50s, tipboards and turkey give-away! It's always a great time.
There will be plenty of tickets available at the door. Tickets are $10.00. Tickets can be used for food and drinks. Tickets should have been received by our IWLA members last week. The stubs should be mailed back in by Monday, November 7th.
We are also in need of donations, tip board items and door prizes. We also need help during the event selling tickets and in the kitchen. Proceeds from the event will be used to replace the garage door at the caretakers house and provide a work trailer for the caretaker.
If you are willing to donate or volunteer for the event, please contact Mike Hay at 574-271-0973 (Home) or 269-240-8756 (Cell).
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