Phragmites Reed Issue on Third Pond

Phragmites Reed Issue on Third Pond

On Sunday 9-11-16, a volunteer work party sprayed the Phragmite reeds that have infested the 3rd Pond at the Saint Joseph County Chapter, Izaak Walton facility in South Bend, Indiana.  

The Phragmite reeds are a fast-growing, non-native, invasive aquatic plant that can reach heights of 12-feet and that form thickets so dense that they prevent the growth of virtually any other vegetation. Left unchecked, the Phragmite reed infestation has the potentially to quickly spread across most of the area of the 3rd pond.  In addition to displacing native vegetation, the Phragmite thickets provide poor-to-no value as a food source or habitat for native wildlife, and they block access to the pond for fishing. 

The reeds were selectively sprayed with "Shore-Klear Plus", a recommended Glyphosate herbicide specially formulated for use on aquatic plants such as Phragmites and that is safe for fish.  Taking advantage of the low water level in the pond, it was possible to reach much of the reed areas by walking and wading.  In other areas, a canoe was used to access the reeds for spraying.  Most areas of the reeds were sprayed around the perimeter of the pond, although in some of the very dense areas of the reed infestation, it was impossible to reach all the reeds for spraying (follow-up spraying likely will be needed next year).

It is expected the seed fronds will be burned later in the winter, followed by a second round of spraying and burning next year. 

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Hog Roast - Saturday, August 20th at 6pm

Hog Roast - Saturday, August 20th at 6pm

Join us for everyone's favorite event of the year. Izaak Walton will be hosting the 31th Annual Hog Roast! 

As has become tradition, the Whistle Pigs will playing live music. The Whistle Pigs play a variety of classic rock and really put on a great show. The event is Saturday, August 20 and starts at 6:00 pm with the band starting at 7:30. 

The entry fee is $5 to support the cost of the band (free entrance if you're an Izaak member!). Food is $10/plate. Drinks will be available for an extra charge. We will have the usual grilled corn on the cob, sides, and of course slow-cooked hog!

Everyone of all ages is welcome.

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Reminder - Call in Your Dinner Reservations Today and Learn About Owls

Reminder - Call in Your Dinner Reservations Today and Learn About Owls

Dinner starts at 6:30 P.M. Program starts at 7:30 P.M.

Menu: Corned beef and cabbage with the trimmings

Cost: $9 adults $5 12 and under

Call in your reservations by Mon. March 14th at 272-3660

e welcome back Mr. Rick Glassman from the St. Joe County Soil and Water Conservation District to the IKES on Wednesday, March 16th. Mr. Glassman, will present a program rich in facts describing the features and habits of the 8 species of Owls native to Indiana.    

Rick will have many owl artifacts on hand for us IKES to examine and learn from. Mr. Glassman has visited the South Bend schools over the years and brought his menagerie of snakes and amphibians to ease the students’ fears and teach the benefits of these creatures

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March Dinner - Wed., March 16 at 6:30 pm

March Dinner - Wed., March 16 at 6:30 pm

We welcome back Mr. Rick Glassman from the St. Joe County Soil and Water Conservation District to the IKES on Wednesday, March 16th. Mr. Glassman, will present a program rich in facts describing the features and habits of the 8 species of Owls native to Indiana.  Rick will have many owl artifacts on hand for us IKES to examine and learn from. Mr. Glassman has visited the South Bend schools over the years and brought his menagerie of snakes and amphibians to ease the students’ fears and teach the benefits of these creatures.

Dinner starts at 6:30 P.M. Program starts at 7:30 P.M.
Menu: Corned beef and cabbage with the trimmings
Cost: $9 adults $5 12 and under
Call in your reservations by Mon. March 14th at 272-3660

They did it again! Ken Kanczuzewski & Bob Fitzpatrick aided by Rich Parker, Kaine & Kael Kanczuzewski, Nate Moore and Larry Woltman have set up the completion of the phase 2 lodge renovation. All new plumbing was installed in the bathrooms along with preparation for the tile installation. Outside of the bathrooms, insulation and a green metal ceiling were installed.

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