Dine & Learn - Ancient Worlds from the Air

Join us for the monthly Dine & Learn on Wednesday, Sept 19. This month we welcome Sean Field, a researcher at Notre Dame. Popularly, archaeologists are associated with excavations in distant, exotic locations. However, modern archaeological practice is often far different - today researchers employ a wide array of technologies (from satellites to super-computers) in order to investigate the past. One of the most recent advancements has been the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, to detect archaeological features in the landscape. To demonstrate these methods, I present two case studies on drone usage in archaeological practice; 1) for the detection of unrecorded Ancestral Pueblo sites in Southwestern Colorado, and 2) for the documentation of medieval and historic sites on Irish islands. 

Dinner starts at 6:30 P.M. Program starts at 7:30 P.M.

Menu: City Chicken with the trimmings 

Cost: $9 for adults and FREE Hot Dogs 12 and under!

Call in your reservations by Tuesday Sept. 18th by 10 A.M. at 272-3660